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The LOOK 100 wall panelling system offers the professionals a perfectly adapted solution for the fitting-out of commercial spaces without plaster or paint job, whenever decrepit walls need lining. It simply consists of a top rail, a bottom rail and adjustable fasteners to fit 50 x 30 mm posts at standard or specific centre widths. The panels are just hung to this structure, and leave a recessed joint giving access to the single or double slots.
The LOOK 100 self-standing system offers the professionals simple and versatile solutions for wall and centre-floor units, especially for the ready-to-wear sector. It is very simple and doesn’t require any tools for the structure assembly. A wide choice of single- and doubleslotted posts make it possible to design full-height wall units, or low, single- or double faced units for centre-floor installation. It is completed with a choice of modern-style accessories allowing partial or total cladding of wall or central structures.
A complete and multipurpose system for a wide range of layouts. The choice between single and double slots means more flexibility for the layout of accessories.